Sarah Jefferson

Sarah Jefferson


Maecenas et nunc augue. Duis convallis nulla augue, vel pretium quam mattis nec. Pellentesque dapibus faucibus lacus quis feugiat. Quisque viverra fermentum hendrerit. Nam in augue eu ipsum finibus dignissim. Nunc quis maximus orci, rhoncus volutpat ipsum. Mauris in laoreet leo. Fusce interdum felis gravida, faucibus leo et, fringilla eros. In vulputate, eros sed volutpat pulvinar, quam magna sollicitudin elit, sed ornare dui nisi non massa. Vestibulum eget sem lorem. Maecenas varius justo eget orci hendrerit ornare. Morbi varius eu tellus id varius. Etiam condimentum lobortis risus et facilisis. Nam consequat arcu in magna sodales aliquam. In eu urna vel leo accumsan efficitur non a quam. In tempor tortor in lectus tincidunt placerat.

What people say about our employees

A rewarding internship

I am studying at ÉTS and I had the opportunity to do my first internship at EnerServ. Upon my return to university, I heard students complaining about the redundancy of their internship. I can assure you that it was not the case for me!

On Day 1, I left for a job site in Lac-Saint-Jean for a few days. The following week, I completed bureaucratic tasks for the next project. The mix of field and desk work was perfect for me!

According to me, experiencing field work in remote areas is vital in engineering. What I take from this experience is the complexity of the renewable energy field and the importance of power generation equipment.

An internship at EnerServ is a rewarding experience that allows you to meet passionate professionals and connect your academic knowledge to the reality of field work.

Jasmin Valcourt
A rewarding internship

Un stage enrichissant

J’étudie à l’ÉTS et j’ai eu la chance de faire mon stage 1 chez EnerServ. À mon retour aux études, j’entendais des étudiants se plaindre de la redondance de leur stage. Je peux vous assurer que ce n’était pas mon cas!

Au jour 1, je partais quelques jours en chantier au Lac-Saint-Jean. La semaine suivante, j’effectuais des tâches bureaucratiques à Granby pour la préparation du prochain projet. L’alternance entre le terrain et le bureau était parfaite pour moi!

Selon moi, l’expérience de la vie de chantier dans des régions éloignées est un incontournable dans la carrière d’un ingénieur. Ce que je retiens de cette expérience : la complexité du domaine de l’énergie renouvelable et l’ampleur des équipements de production d’électricité.

Faire un stage chez EnerServ est une expérience enrichissante qui permet de côtoyer des professionnels passionnés et de faire des liens entre les apprentissages en classe et la réalité du terrain.

Jasmin ValcourtStagiaire en ingénierie
Un stage enrichissant

A friendly environment

When I applied for a position at EnerServ, I was simply looking for a job. Instead, I found a second family! I felt welcome as soon as I set foot in the company; I integrated easily and joined the team rapidly. Team work is a fundamental value in the company. The proximity between management and staff is motivating and we feel cared for and accepted. With the numerous opportunities offered to us, we develop a sense of belonging towards the company. Working at EnerServ is having the opportunity to push ourselves daily and aspire to excellence. It is also to join an experienced team on which we can count on to go further. I consider myself honored to be part of a team such as this.

Working at EnerServ is interacting with passionate, competent and welcoming people. It is a strong corporate culture based on family values making you feel at home right away!

Simon Paquette, P.Eng.Project Manager
A friendly environment


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.

Solar Light
Eco System

Our Mission

First Section

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea

Second Section

Proin dignissim commodo magna at luctus. Nam molestie justo augue, nec eleifend urna laoreet non. Proin ut nulla egestas, hendrerit urna scelerisque, finibus nulla. Integer et elementum sem. Donec nec scelerisque elit, id pulvinar est. Maecenas laoreet, diam vel venenatis molestie, nunc augue tempus felis, nec efficitur dui leo a tellus.

Third Section

Curabitur tristique tempus arcu a placerat. Integer venenatis, magna et lobortis aliquet, diam nibh dictum lorem, ac porttitor dolor nunc quis diam. Morbi malesuada hendrerit libero at fermentum. Praesent risus eros, consectetur eu metus nec, pellentesque dapibus sapien.